Changing the world's approach to Agribusinesses

We believe that Professional Agribusinesses are the future
Become a SCOPE assessor and help us professionalize the agricultural sector

ASSESsMENTS conducted
We are proud to have trained Assessors who have conducted assessments reaching over
18.3 million farmers

Assessor Trained
Our courses provide the knowledge and skills necessary for assessors to use our tools and collect quality data

Countries reached
Assessors are trained globally, enabling them to assess agribusinesses and provide benchmark quality data reports worldwide

Our Courses

Take a look at our courses and find the right fit for you

What we do

We assess agribusinesses in emerging markets and provide benchmark reports that enable these businesses to identify areas for improvement 

Get Involved

Become part of our SCOPE community, become a SCOPE Ambassador
Your learning, your rules

Making your learning experience our top priority

Innovative Education

SCOPEinsight  is dedicated to exploring new ways of teaching and learning through our e-learning training course model 

Independent Learning

Participants learn at their own pace, first filling in gaps in their understanding and then accelerating their learning by putting their skills to the test through different types of exercises

Make A Change

We want to make a difference with our courses and we go about this by listening to participants needs and wants, and working with them to create a better experience for all
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Don't just take our word for it

This training has been very useful for me. I have gained a lot of knowledge from it, as it reminded me of subjects that I learned a few years ago during my college studies. The Financial Specialist course has given me more insights to efficiently assess the cooperatives' capacity, particularly in managing their bookkeeping, so that they better understand their financial capabilities.
irma nababan
The experience was great. The content is diverse and comprehensively covers all aspects of the assessment process. The case study is highly practical, offering the assessor a chance to demonstrate the knowledge gained during training. While the course may seem lengthy, this could be advantageous as it emphasizes attention to detail.
martha irungu
I found this training highly beneficial. The material is presented in a clear and comprehensible manner, which made the experience enjoyable. Additionally, I appreciated being able to take it at my own pace. I learned practical techniques to assess cooperatives and to collect quality data with the SCOPE App, equipping me with the necessary skills to apply in real scenarios.
yunus isayev
Write your awesome label here.
What makes our courses different

At SCOPEinsight

We developed multiple courses to fit our clients needs. 
We offer practical exercises, instructional videos, and interactive material to keep learners motivated and engaged.
We empower learners to study at their own pace through e-learning courses that can be accessed through multiple devices on online or offline mode
We are committed to the betterment of our learners by providing them with the tools necessary to be successful in their roles.
our courses

Explore our courses

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